Happy Happy February from the Governor!
February is upon us! Typically known as the "month of love". Well, I believe that every month, that we share space on this earth should be known as the "month of love". However, let me talk about "love" for just a little bit.

Mid-Winter Service Project Details
During the 2022 Mid-Winter Conference, attendees are invited to help fill pillowcases for foster kids across the state of Montana. Clubs and attendees are invited to bring items suggested below that will then be placed in pillowcases for easy distribution to kids.

Agenda Now Available for 2022 Mid-Winter
Check out the agenda highlights for the upcoming mid-winter conference in Billings.

Sponsors Sought for 2022 Mid-Winter Billings
Looking for an opportunity to advertise your business to Kiwanis members across the state of Montana? Or have information you would like to get in the hands of attendees? We have many great sponsorship opportunities for our upcoming conference in Billings, MT.

Happy New Year from the Governor's Desk
It's always hard to believe where the time goes. Already one quarter of the way through my year as Governor! As I continue to serve you in this capacity, I continue to enjoy meeting as many Kiwanians as the weather has allowed.

December News from your MT Kiwanis Governor
As I continue to spend miles and miles on the road traveling this great state, I continue to meet so many wonderful Kiwanians who put smiles and smiles on my face! I met with the Havre club on November 1st and while they were few in number, they were great in the spirit of Kiwanis and it was a pleasure to IGNITE them.

November Mid Month News from the Governor
Each month a division will be featured by me from the information that I glean from the LT Governor reports and newsletters received, to be posted on this website.

November News from the Governor's Desk
What a month October was! It started with a bang with LT Governor’s training in Helena on October 9th and the first board meeting of the new year on October 10th. Thanks to all who attended and made both a huge success. The LT Governor’s were tasked with setting up Divisional meetings as well as educating the clubs.

Time for a Quilt Raffle!
A Montana District of Kiwanis fundraiser! A King sized quilt donated by our MT Kiwanis Governor, Cherie Neudick is to be raffled off during the 2022 Midwinter Convention in Billings, February 24-27, 2022. Proceeds will benefit the Kiwanis Children’s Fund.

Greetings Montana Kiwanians!
It’s the beginning of a new year and a new chapter in my life as your Governor! I am super excited to be starting this journey and am appreciative of this opportunity to serve you as we all strive to serve the children of the world.

We've only listed 30 results, but have even more. Please use our search form to find something. Thank you.


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